How often will new artwork/prints be added?

I have a lot of previous work to scan and post. So there will be no shortage of new, never-before-seen pieces available in the store. So check back often!

You can also expect newly created pieces to be posted every 2-3 weeks! Some items will be available for a limited time. In some cases, pieces may remain longer.

What tools do you use to create your work?

Presently, I’m using the following:
  • Staedler HB lead with holder
  • Speedball Super Black Ink
  • Tachikawa nibs #600 (aka #44)
  • Hunt 102 nibs
  • Windsor & Newton Series 7 brush #4

On the paper front, I use Canson and Strathmore 2-ply bristol.

For watercolor, I use the Bockingford fine grain watercolor paper with Windsor & Newton watercolors.

What inspires you?

Pretty much everything! LOL I’m always observing wherever and whenever I can and especially when I’m out and about. Sometimes I have the opportunity to capture my thoughts through sketching on paper immediately; Other times, I keep a mental note of the image to return to and sketch later in the day.
The surprising thing is that once you get into this type of a mindset, you can get inspired by even the most mundane moment/item/occurrence!

Are the people you draw real or imaginary?

Both. But I try to draw from life as much as possible. Building that visual library helps when I want to create a new original concept. Plus having objects anchored in reality helps to make your drawings that much more believable, regardless of one’s artistic style.

Do you use references?

Yes! I’ll sketch up an idea first and get it as far as I can. Then will use references to expand upon or focus in on an idea or concept.

When do you find time to draw?

I used to sit down at night and crank out a piece in one evening, but nowadays I’m allowing myself more flexibility to really work and refine a piece. I find that my work ends up much more complex and flushed out and in a way, superior.
So now my daily artistic process looks like this: I draw everyday, but not 7-8 hours straight. Instead, I’ll make time for a morning and mid-day sketch session, then in the evening I’ll work on final pieces.

On top of that I'm constantly drawing inspiration from real life, continuously building that visual library! So I always keep a sketchbook in the car and take one with me if my wife and I head out to the mall. You can find new ideas anywhere, if you're just open and ready to capture them!

What is your drawing environment like?

My sanctuary is my home studio where I’m surrounded by posters, figures and artwork to inspire, motivate and learn from. I’ll usually have a film pulled up, music to listen to, or even YouTube clips as well that help to keep me motivated.
PS: I tend towards cold environments, so my space is often the coldest in the house!

What's your favorite subject matter?

It varies. Right now, I’m into detailed pieces ala Geoff Darrow. Mechanical design, portraits (painted) and great looking landscapes/architecture. Those encompass a lot of what I’ve been interested in drawing of late.

What's your favorite medium?

Pencil and ink, especially since I finally feel comfortable enough to seamlessly translate what’s in my head to paper using those tools. But watercolor and gouache are climbing the charts as I learn and become more comfortable using them.

What are some ways that helps to "unblock" when you're feeling stuck?

In the end, stepping away from the 'work' has been the best action for me to get unblocked. Education accompanied by inspiration are also a great combination to help break me out of those tough times.

How do I care for my print(s)?

Although they are mailed rolled, display/store them flat and keep them away from direct sunlight. The paper used is of archival quality, so you can display them for years to come!

What advice would you give a newbie artist?

Study, draw, study, practice, and then practice more. Always be questioning yourself, as well as your fellow artists. There's always something to learn, but you can never progress if you never ask!

What software do you use for drawing/scanning?

For scanning, I use Adobe Photoshop pretty much exclusively. I've been using it for years, which makes it even easier to make corrections when getting artwork print ready.
For drawing digitally, I've played around with Procreate, Paper, Adobe Photoshop Sketch and ClipStudio.

How do you get such clean linework?

LOL. A lot of patience! When inking, I'll wipe the nibs clean periodically. And I always keep a test sheet to try out the nib and ink before I apply it to the drawing. Also doing a few ink warmups does wonders for keeping the hand agile and steady.
Another good tip is to use a kneadable eraser to lift up some of the pencil lead prior to inking: Doing so allows the ink to settle faster and darker.